Kyle’s Hand Surgery
Kyle with Nurse Chimvinga on Children’s Ward at Karanda Mission Hospital
The possibility of accessing medical care for her son Kyle’s webbed fingers to be treated was very far-fetched for his mother. None of the hospitals she had tried in the capital of Harare offered this service. Her friends told her to take Kyle to Karanda Mission Hospital (KMH), a three-hour drive away, in rural northeastern Zimbabwe.
While KMH does not have a full time plastic surgeon, volunteers will regularly visit. On that particular week a Canadian, Dr. Rebecca Greer was scheduled to come. Kyle was placed on the list for surgery.
Eight days after the surgery and the wound is healing very well. Physiotherapy should allow Kyle to regain full mobility in his fingers and hand.
Atifashe Heavenly (3) underwent reconstructive hand surgery as well.
Baby Kyle was not the only child who benefitted from surgery that week. Atifashe Heavenly, a 3-year old girl who had experienced steam burns that had contracted her fingers underwent reconstructive surgery, as well.